The CHAlleNGED GAMES blog was conceived with the hope to stimulate divergence thinking and challenge the viewer to rethink one’s routines and shift his/her perspective on the status quo.
The blog was initially dedicated to my CHAlleNGED GAMES series. As with the time I started to experiment with another system - the language, to apply mathematical logic and seek patterns in words, in the last years my publications are mostly about this part of my work.
war eine Polyphonische Lese-Performance aus den Reihen
"syllaBLEndings" und "CDoupbles"
Richard Edelsbrunner
Samstag, 16. März
2019, 18 Uhr
Jakominiplatz 18, 8010
(Portmanteau-Wort aus “syllable” und “blendings”) sind
Veronika Tzekovas Form von Kurzversen, üblicherweise bestehend aus
zwei Wörtern, wobei die letzte Silbe des ersten Wortes und die erste
Silbe des zweiten Wortes übereinstimmen.
Die Reihe ist mit
Unterstützung der Stadt Graz auf fünf Leuchtkästen für ein Jahr
(2018 – 2019) im öffentlichen Raum installiert und die Verse
werden regelmäßig geändert.
In dieser Lesung werden
das Schreiben und das Layout durch das Zusammenspiel zweier Stimmen
Die Sprache wird durch
die Lupe der Mengenlehre betrachtet.
Space Appropriator #6 / Safety Overturned
(Пир во время чумы / A Feast in Time of Plague / Das Gelage während der Pest)
Re-purposing of urban furniture (large security bollards)
Textiles, sparkling wine, glass
1 August, 2020
Sonnenfelsplatz, Graz, Austria
The series of urban interventions “Space Appropriators” comment on modes of use and behaviour in common spaces in cities. Each “Space Appropriator” employs different situation in the urban fabric in order to question the Status Quo of variety of urban spaces and elements.
“Space Appropriator #6 / Safety Overturned” is the Graz version of “Space Appropriator #6 / Security Overturned” (Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011, 2012). By converting the large security bollards in front of the residence of the British Ambassador in Sofia into cocktail tables, “Space Appropriator #6 / Security Overturned" highlighted the conflict between many private interests in the otherwise common public space.
“Ruinart” is the oldest established Champagne house, exclusively producing champagne since 1729 and let's say it is not the cheapest. Syllabified „Ruinart“ is ruin·art.
“Space Appropriator #6 / Safety Overturned” took place at Sonnenfelsplatz, Graz, Austria, a “Begegnungszone“ (en. „encounter zone“) - a form of traffic calming regulation, in which among others, pedestrians have right of way over vehicles.
It was summer of 2020, times of social distancing.
Toast to art, artists and shared experiences!
There are in total 11 safety bollards at Sonnenfelsplatz, which can be turned into cocktail tables, without violating the rules of social distancing, but it is questionable if the distance between them is sufficient for socializing.